Building Details - Architects of South Australia

Building NameThe Marines
Client NameThe Marines Residences Company
Street No.499-513
Street NameThe Esplanade
Year Designed1882
Year Completed1884
Other ConsultantsLatham Withall, architect.
Heritage ListingState Heritage Register
LinksSA Heritage Places database

Marine Residences Company. —This Company have determined to erect twenty four three-storied residences, covering a frontage of nearly 600 feet facing the sea, at the new Grange township. The contract has been signed by Messrs. Robin & Hack, of Port Adelaide, for £13,000. The houses contain eleven rooms each, with cellar and other conveniences, and are replete with every modern convenience. The elevation is imposing, and no expense or ingenuity has been spared to make the scheme the most attractive of the sort in the Southern Hemisphere. The whole are to be completed by May, 1884, the architects being Messrs. Bayer & Withall, of Adelaide. The levelling of the sandhills and forming of the esplanade prior to the commencing of these works, having been going on for some time, are fast approaching completion, and the buildings referred to are to be commenced on or before Monday, October l6th proximo (SAR 7 Oct 1882: 5).

The half-yearly meeting of shareholders in the Grange Allotments Company was held at Mr. Lipsett’s office, 14 Register Chambers, on Friday afternoon. Mr. J. T. McLean, chairman of directors, presided, there being a fair attendance of shareholders. The directors’ report and balance-sheet were adopted, on the motion of the chairman, seconded by Mr. J. T. Church, Messrs. J. T. McLean, Louis Giles, and J. E. Button were re-elected directors, and Messrs. Charles Aubrey and R. J. G. Warburton auditors. It was decided by the shareholders that the directors be empowered to immediately commence the erection of villa residences at the Grange, as per plan submitted by Messrs. Bayer & Withall (SA Weekly Chronicle I Dec 1883: 11).

Architect NameBayer (Beyer), Ernest Henry

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